Connecting People Shared by: Rebecca Ruiz My “Grammie Margie” was like a butterfly that spreads joy throughout the garden. Her garden was the entire town, and she touched the lives of everyone in it…Margie’s network was huge, and every day she would use her network to resolve someone’s needs—always without money. If one needed a physical item, she would identify someone from whom it could be borrowed. When I was a senior in high school, my mother shared with her that a prom dress was not in the budget. Two days later, Margie came over with eight dresses for me to try. Despite the hardships she had lived and witnessed, Margie never grew jaded. She always found something for which to be grateful, and this gratitude oriented her view toward abundance. She saw everyone as having something to offer. If one didn’t have something needed, it just meant that one was supposed to be connected to someone who did. This viewpoint imparted a special way of communicating that was always merciful and gracious. When she would relay stories of need, it was always gently and in a way that called forth compassion. And when she connected people, both giver and receiver became part of her network of love. Read the rest of Rebecca Ruiz’s reflection, The Miracle of the Eight Dresses and Other Memories. (Image by chelseighmillar from Pixabay.)


Life Isn’t About Perfect Birthday Cakes 2

Life Isn’t About Perfect Birthday CakesShared by: Liz E.There is a memory that I have with my grandma from when I was about 7 years old that will always stick with me. I learned from her that sometimes things that might seem like a failure at the time can end up being a great memory…


Generosity of Spirit is More Impactful than Generosity of Material Things

Generosity of Spirit is More Impactful than Generosity of Material Things Shared by: Cara Witnessing my Great Uncle’s generous spirit throughout his life has made a lasting impact in my own life and has instilled in me an inherent value of generosity that I hope to pass along to my own children one day.